
"Him, to Start"

I would like to think that there is only one person for everyone. In a perfect world I'm sure that's how God would have orchestrated it. Our world is not perfect. Unfortunate.
So, if it's true that I could technically make it work with any Christian guy who I put in the effort with, then where does God fit into the picture? Does it even matter who I end up with? If I were to just let life happen and marry the first guy who I love who loves me and who asks me to marry him, would that be such a bad thing? If the guy I've always pictured in my head and my heart never shows, is it okay to just pick someone else?
Lots of questions and very few answers.
My favourite: "Does it even matter at all?"


Greg said...

I like to think of God as the ultimate chaperone.....

True you could pick just about anybody, but that doesn't mean they would be good for you. People tend to ignore God and just have at it.

The ultimate decision of marriage isn't legal, it's a spiritual contract between you and your spouse to God that you will be joined as one person. If you don't pay attention to the guy that made the contract or even read it....bad things can happen

I hate the one person for everybody idea, not only does it kill the concept of free choice, but it pulls God into being subjected to time. It's also what lonely people tell themselves to feel better

There are people who get divorced because the new spouse was "the one God meant them to marry."

well how did you manage to marry the other dude? Chance?

ihavenorhythm said...

in response: once you choose and get married, then you ARE with the one you're meant to be with. crazy? not really. as if we could really disrupt God's plans.

Steph said...

Okay so I was very satisfied to read this because of an incident at my own wedding.

During the ceremony of me and Dans wedding our pastor declared us husband and wife before we signed the paper. My friend had an issue with this because we had not yet signed the paper so she didn't think we should be announced husband and wife yet because according to her "you aren't husband and wife until you sign the legal document" {she actually brought this up at the rehearsal dinner the nightbefore the wedding but me and dan disagreed with her and left it how it was.}

My belief is that if a man and a woman are somewhere remote together and they have prayed about being married {and they don't just say they are married so they can have sex} and they know that this is pleasing to God. Then they could be married before God without having a pastor there or having to sign a legal document. Because, really, it's not about the paper. I was married to Daniel the moment that we spoke our vows to each other before God. The paper...that's just for the bureaucrats.

Anyways, I just thought I'd comment because a lot of people I know don't have an opinion on the subject because they don't want to take sides or be controversial. Heh.