I haven't blogged in really big letters in a really long time.
Tonight was a miracle. I wrote a majorish paper (not including research time) in less than 2 hours! I feel as though the old Leanne is re-surfacing. How to explain? I remember what I wrote; this time last year, I probably wouldn't even know the topic of the paper I just finished.
Today was a miracle. I did not once give in to my old habits of procrastinating by watching movies, talking to people who I have no business talking to in that moment, or doing anything I would normally never do just to avoid what I absolutely need to do (cleaning, laundry, painting my toenails, painting a house, driving to London Drugs to get batteries for a mouse I never use anyway). And, most bizarre of all, I was in the library for three hours straight...not doing gratis.
And it only gets crazier. I have been doing homework non-stop the last few days, and I am not stressed. I feel the need to hurry a little bit, but I'm not sweating the small stuff. Oooooor the big stuff.
I desperately want this to last. On my own, never. If I give it to God, absolutely. Dude, I love Him.
1 comment:
I'm jealous of your focus! I have an essay due every single week and it seems like I procrastinate EVERY SINGLE WEEK. ha ha. I'm sorry I've been so abseny from your blogs. I just want you to know that I think of you very often and am always inspired by you. LOOOOOOOOOOOVE!
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