1:34 A.M. / 3:43 A.M. / 2:34 A.M / 2:05 A.M. / 12:27 A.M. / 3:31 A.M.
These are the timestamps for my last six blogs. See the theme? And I mean besides eerily similar numbers over and over. They are all in the A.M., they are all later than I should be doing anything except sleeping, and they're all separated by a forward slash. Ha...ha. This is also the starting time, meaning that some weren't even finished until an hour later.
This needs to change. I have to be up by 7 tomorrow. The last time I woke up at 7 was...the last time I had to for classes? Ugh. But I need to get used to it. I'm just not ready to commit yet.
The point I'm trying to make is that I don't know how to make myself change back. Or how to write a coherent blog.
If this were someone else and I saw this written, my tip to them would be...go to bed earlier. Dangit! But I don't want to. This is a sucky moment for hypotheticals.
If I am ever going to reach the person who I want to be, if I am ever going to be at that pinnacle I've been reaching for, I need to give up wants and start going with needs. And I NEED to sleep.