What. Is. Wrong. With. Me.Yesterday I was about this big, and today I am high as a kite. On no sleep. But oh! Today!Thursdays are usually my hardest days, because I have class from 8-11:30, chapel, lunch, and class from 1:15-4:30. I literally do not leave the building for 8.5 hours (except for, well not exactly the exception, when I go back to my room on each ten minute break for a five minute nap). But today! We talked about these things that just stir me up in the most amazing ways! Not in a bad, confrontational way, but in a challenging, be better! kind of way. We talked about inerrancy in Scripture, the huge responsibility placed on teachers (both inside the walls of the church and out) to lead people correctly while showing them how to read the Bible properly, and the essentiality of daily, personal, intense devotion time. All of which are so huge on my heart!And chapel! (I need to go to a smaller font or I will not have enough room to make this short enough to be readable). A husband and wife from the States tag-teamed a message that was just so FULL of good stuff. And of course there's the stuff that just spoke, or yelled, at me.
- Esther 4:14 - she was called out of the mundane to the highest throne on the earth to be a voice for her generation. Be one in yours or God will use someone else.
- James 4:8 says that when we draw near to God He draws near too! If we don't feel Him...so what? I need to be prepared that I may be in this place of not feeling Him for the rest of my life, but that shouldn't diminish my passion. I refuse to doubt in the dark what He told me in the light.
- Express what you're learning in school through service of some kind. It will make it mean more. I need to kick myself into gear, stop being afraid, and just do whatever the heck He asks me to.
- Do not get comfortable, do not squash your own dream, do not say never if God doesn't.
Whew!What a day. Don't get me wrong...I still feel as lost in the desert as ever. But somehow, today, I'm staring through the glare off the sand and smiling through the sweat and tears. If this is as good as it gets...then it's as good as it gets.
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