I Am Hanging on Every Single Word You're Saying

Read 2 Chronicles 16:9. Right now. I was given that verse nearly a year ago, and it spoke afresh today. God has good things to say. So read it.
Then consider this thought. Everything God says is good. The implications for us as sinful people may not be good from our perspective, but they are ultimately good. Even words of severe judgement deserve our respect and awe at their goodness.
Sometimes I wonder if people read my blog. I'm more honest on it than I am with most people I know. Sometimes I wonder if people who used to read it in the past still do sometimes, just to check in. Or maybe I just like that kind of wishful thinking.
So if you happen to be reading this spur of the moment or because you just wandered in, send me a comment. Anonymously is perfect...just to let me know I'm not entirely alone with my thoughts. And no comments will give me my answer too.
I'm so thankful I have God right now. "I'm falling even more in love with You / letting go of all I've held on to / I'm standing here until You make me move / I'm hanging by a moment here with You." Lifehouse is helping me remember just how much I love Him.
Oh, and the internship is going. Kids camps have started! Gosh I love kids.
i'm reading :)
Your words are not left unseen. haha.
i'm reading now, and i know He's watching over you... xo
Add me to the list of those who read and appreciate the honesty of your words. :-)
of course i read it! <3
I read and I love. Your heart is fantastic.
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