And When All Else Fades, You Remain

I've reached a point where I cannot do anything aside from God. When I try, I am completely aware of it and immediately convicted. My heart is changing so rapidly that sometimes I have to stop myself and realize just how different I am from only a few weeks ago. My thought processes flow differently, the pattern of my heart beats to a different rhythm, and slowly the sting of hurt is being polysporined out of me. Every moment of the day is ministry or preparation for ministry or God-time or soul-searching time. Every once in awhile we watch a movie or talk about something else, but those are becoming few and far between. And I'm learning self-care.
As we earnestly seek Him, He further reveals Himself and His desires, and is faithful in answering our prayers. I'm still exhausted and need tons of prayer, but God is holding me through.
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