I like a lot of things. Pandas. My deodorant collection. Applying make-up. Hard liquor. Roadtrips. Statistics. Today is about statistics. I could sit for hours and put together facts that A) no one cares about, B) someone else has already spent their life putting together but I want to do it myself, or C) I will not even care about by the time I finish. Tonight's endeavor is a combo of A and C, but I've wanted to do it forever!
I have come up with a compilation of what 2010 looked like in blog titles. Useless? Absolutely. Took over an hour? For sure. Made me feel like I accomplished something? Thank goodness. Seven hours of Community is not enough of an accomplishment for the day.
So, here are some of my findings, favourites and funnies. Of my 157 blogs in 2010:
- 45.8% were song lyrics, nearly half of which were Taylor Swift and Lifehouse.
- 10% were just Taylor Swift. Wow. It probably doesn't help that 90% of time spent blogging involves her singing to me.
- Only 34% are my own words.
- More than 10% are songs I would never admit to having heard, ever, in my lifetime.
- Four were countdowns to major events.
- One quoted a webcomic.
- There were appearances from such movies as Sweet Home Alabama, Moulin Rouge and My Best Friend's Wedding.
- Longest running series: Colour Series (see April 2010).
- Favourite series ever: The Drowning Series (see May 2010).
- Favourite original title: "Sit Down, Take a Load Off and Make a Sandwich with Me".
- Favourite heretical title: "Doom is Imminent" (complete, of course, with a picture of the four horsemen of the apocalypse to depict life in Toronto).
Did I happen to mention how much I love statistics?
Other things I love:
- Lists.
- Gifts. I somehow had this idea for the longest time that it was not ladylike, proper or Christian to like gifts, but I adore them. Seriously.
- Hugs. The really good kind.
- Taylor Swift, and how she understands me even when no one else does.
- Hello Kitty pajamas.
- Eye contact.
- Debating theology.
- Audrey Hepburn. I have been missing out on her too long.
- Sunrises, and everything that goes with them. This includes, but is not limited to: coffee, danishes, blankets, that perfect moment, a hand to hold...and potentially a "distraction" that makes me miss the sunrise entirely (because it is so elusive) but is worth it in every way.
- Infomercials.
I should not blog at 2am. Lesson learned.
1 comment:
my #1 rule, nothing bad comes from lifehouse
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