And the Wonder of It All

I love snow. There has been snow on the ground here for almost a week and it just makes me glow. Not in a pregnant kind of way, as my brother and cousin have been telling everyone (and I do mean everyone. My first time at a church? Good time to declare it. Christmas and New Years with the fam? Excellent opportunity to talk about what would "hurt baby"), but in snow glow kind of way (and not snow globe either. Those are annoying...and by annoying I mean I love them but have never had one and am therefore bitter. I hate them). Snow is pretty and crisp and cold and makes people do crazy things like tackle each other into snow banks or smash into the back of another person's car or get on a flimsy board with little padding on for the "fun" of flying down a mountainside (one again, bitterness shining through. I love snowboarding but have only gone once. Therefore, more bitterness). It also makes magical things happen. Mittens and gloves and boots and scarves and toques fall into perfect place and make everything warm, yet somehow never warm enough to warrant turning down a hug...etc. It also makes people ramble. They see the snow, smell it, feel it instinctively in the air, and suddenly feel the need to speak in crazy tones that never end. Or be silent. Snow is a silent affair. It brings quietness of soul that stretches for minutes that last months. So far, 2011 has been very good to me. Snow, let's strike a deal. You stay all year and I will stay happy. Sound like a plan?
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