I had many things to say, but if I do not barf up the putrid nasties first, nothing good can come out.
How do you tell someone they're making the worst mistake of their life? Literally. Especially when they haven't spoken to you in months and even now, with this biggest decision, don't take the time to say something. I am just overwhelmingly sad. All I can say is how deliriously happy I am that it is not me.
So onto real life. We are currently just outside Chicago, staying in a hotel, and I am so excited to just breathe and have some me-time. I love being around people but I legitimately need time for myself by myself or I lose my charming habits of smiling and not biting people's heads off. I want to be nice and non-whiny and pull my own weight...I really do. But tired, hungry, sick, achy Leanne hates those things.
In 27 days I will be back home, which seems both impossibly soon and hopelessly far off. In time, however, I am sure it will come about as fast as anything ever does, and I will miss it but go on with my life to face new adventures.
The last few days in the van, I spent some free time reading a C.S. Lewis book, Out of the Silent Planet. I always knew the man had a gift for using mythical fiction to express incredible God-truths, but this went beyond what I expected. Just a plug for the book as well as a precursor to all the blogs that will mention it in the weeks to come. It has actually changed things.