Arguably the most depressing time of year, here we are again welcoming Autumn. Besides the endless rain, sudden temperature drop and shortened days, I
cannot imagine why anyone would want to hide indoors and cower under the covers. Darn, guess I forgot to mention school, too. Exempting meals, I have no
freaking idea what I am doing of profit; I've loaded myself down with a
generous helping of 19 credit
hours per week, on top of homework, gratis, and life as
I used to know it. Just when I think it cannot possibly get any worse, God shows up with a new surprise: a
kick straight into a new ministry. Let me be clear that when I say I never intended to do
ministry this year, it does
not mean that I'm through with vocational ministry; all I'm saying is that if I had it my way, I would be taking what I perceive to be some much deserved R&R and allowing someone else to minister to me for a change. Obviously God has other
plans up His immense sleeves.
Quitting has never been something I have been good at. Reasonably speaking, there is very little that I ever consider quitting because of who I am and the passion that drives me,
so I am slow to commit unless I know it is something I'm willing
to give my life to
until God pulls me out.
Vancouver is still
where my heart is at, and nothing I do seems to quench the love I have for this place; not that I am
xenophobic or anything.
Yet, through all this, I guess the main thing I am trying to get across is that I have no idea whatsoever what God is planning, I feel as though I am getting in the way of the great things He would like to give me by my ridiculous, self-imposed schedule, and through it all I just feel very...alone.
Zebras, anyone?
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