Days like today really make me wonder about the deep, serious things of the world. Spinning over 1000 crepes in one day, all the while standing or running for something or jumping in to help someone leaves a lot of brain time. I had angry customers and tired co-workers and strangers who were far too interested in my life for comfort (or just stared for extended periods of time), and it all made me wonder: what the heck is the purpose of it all?
Church answer: Jesus. Honest answer: it's so hard to figure out. Everyone is running around, living their lives in the way they think is best, and basically just waiting to die. And as I stood there spinning my endless crepes, I wondered what makes me so different. Half the time you could probably say I'm doing the same thing; it could probably be said about a lot of Christians. We laugh when people give the church answer, but what's really so wrong with it? As my good friend Paul once said: "to live is Christ and to die is gain."
The last few days have been rough, but that shouldn't excuse me for becoming apathetic. Do I mean what I say, or do I just say it? I'm seriously being challenged right now.
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