
I haven't posted in an extremely long time. For reasons unknown, my computer is broken and the internet is nada working. I haven't wanted to blog on another computer, but now I'm just having to suck it up.
I was looking at old FB notes, and I came across one entitled "25" that is basically twenty-five random things about me. I didn't read it, but instead decided I will do another one on here and see how close they end up being; the last one was probably about a year ago.
1. Right now, my greatest desire is for waist-length blond hair.
2. I drink Jones Soda like the continuing existence of the universe depends on my doing so.
3. I still have over two years (at least) of schooling left, and I secretly have no desire to finish or do well.
4. None of my grandparents have died yet, and when I remember this it always scares me how much it doesn't scare me. They've always been there and I cannot imagine a time without them; I know it has to happen sometime but it is beyond my comprehension. As a result, I fear I'll be devastated by the shock.
5. I have a secret that I am keeping from every single person I know. It is a different secret for each one, but a significant secret nonetheless. For each person, it is the one thing that I think would destroy our friendship if they knew, even if it is ridiculous to think so.
6. I wanted to be married by 20. In three months I will be 22. I have my wedding dress picked out, know the church I want it to be in, and have already begun to make a mental list of the things I will register for at IKEA. I have been single for nearly a year and there are no promising prospects.
7. I am getting better at saying good-bye and knowing that there is a good chance that the next time I will see them will probably be in Heaven. And I think I'm finally okay with that.
8. The most recent happiest moment of my life was tonight, filling up my gas tank for $45 Canadian down in the States. Normally, here, it would cost over $60. Life is so good.
9. About 90% of the people I would have considered my closest friends this time last year have changed.
10. I would trade my own life's happiness for my brother to be happy without a second of hesitation.
11. My favourite McFlurry is caramel Oreo.
12. I remember the moment when it was first announced that the 2010 Olympic Winter Games would be held here. I was 15 and at my best friend's house. It feels like yesterday, and now six years later they're already over.
13. I love the movie Day Zero. I bought it 4 for $10 at Superstore a few weeks ago even though I'd never seen it, and it turned out to be the perfect pick. It's not a typical "OMG I just looooooove it" movie, but I can't help myself. I don't even know why.
14. I would rather be pretty much anywhere but here right now doing anything but this. I'm glad God's been so clear and horribly disappointed all at the same time.
15. I have two cats, Chloe and Pepsi. They're usually better company than most people I know.
16. When I own my own house, the first thing I am going to do is create my sanctuary. I want an entire wall that is all bookshelves, and a cabinet with a thousand drawers for all of my art supplies, and a desk that surrounds me on three sides that has enough room for anything and everything, and walls that I can keep in a constant state of painting and decorating according to my daily mood, and real plants all over the place, and a window that the sun hits perfectly...and a life-size poster of James McAvoy just to keep me motivated.
17. If it were possible, I would live strictly on McDonald's fries, salt and vinegar Pringles, and chocolate soya milk.
18. In grade ten I drank a can of Coke in eight seconds.
19. When I tell people I want to be a nun, I mean it. They laugh and I laugh but I am dead serious.
20. If I win $10,000 on Roll Up The Rim, which I am highly anticipating, I have a masterful plan. I will: work only half the summer, pay off my student loan, buy a newer car, buy a new wardrobe, and spend the rest of my summer in Europe. So far I'm 0 for 7 on winning anything, even donuts.
21. My next boyfriend will prefer Pepsi to Coke, not be able to fit into my jeans, know how to make a killer breakfast sandwich, cheer for the right hockey team, want to do Bible studies with me in bed (sounds 1000x worse than what I mean), know how to plan a wicked awesome date, and wear sexy shoes. This is all that I require.
22. My therapist's name is Scott. He makes me breathe easier, doesn't judge me when I mess up (oooor purposely go off the deep end), and he didn't laugh when I told him that my spirit animal is a whale.
23. It took me about seven months to figure out what "FTW" means.
24. This week, between free McDonald's coffees, Roll Up The Rim Tim Horton's coffees, Starbucks, and our awesome at-home Starbucks coffee, I have probably had about 17 coffees.
25. If I could do one thing with the rest of my life if there were no consequences and no requirements for life other than to live it, I would live somewhere beautiful and spend all of my days drawing, writing, having sex, eating wonderful food, and listening to music. I wonder if at the end of it all I will regret not just doing it.
"25. If I could do one thing with the rest of my life if there were no consequences and no requirements for life other than to live it, I would live somewhere beautiful and spend all of my days drawing, writing, having sex, eating wonderful food, and listening to music. I wonder if at the end of it all I will regret not just doing it. "
you forgot the "all at the same time" part
I still don't know what "FTW" means.... awk.
do do you think it means for the win .. or fuck the world.
i love everything on your list. even the sad ones. it makes me love you more
I enjoyed this. Much more exciting to read than most peoples, I love you Leanne, and your pure honesty and emotion. Frick.
ps. i didn't know what FTW meant for a while and then i made an idiot of myself about it on facebook one time. irvin or matt taught me. but i've sworn against acronyms so i don't even care anymore. I like Em's suggestion for what it stands for ba ha ha.
i means both actually, but for the win was the original lol
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