Life Is Life Is Life

Sometimes I don't understand the direction I am heading in. My going away for summer has been met with everything from excitement to disappointment to confusion. I just want people to be happy for me! Happy that for the first time in a long time I feel something. I'm excited and thrilled and scared and freaking out...and completely at peace.
For the first time in a very long time, I feel that my life is heading in a direction instead of just aimlessly wandering through the wilderness without a destination. Right now each week is going by with no defining points; I need to have a purpose beyond myself. Let me be clear: I am not running away. I'm actually running toward the next mile marker in this marathon.
And thankfully I won't be doing it alone. I'm following Him, so I know He will be there the entire time. So even if this is misguided (which I firmly believe it is not), I know He won't leave me hanging.
I'm so happy for you.
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