Burn, Baby, Burn

I am officially burnt out.
Today I finally lost it. Something, a nothing, went wrong and I just collapsed and cried. Every lost minute of sleep and each setback and argument and heartache of the summer finally caught up with me and I just couldn't breathe anymore. Part of this has to be that I cannot see an ending to the madness. My internship ends Monday, and then I work pretty much every day til school starts, which ushers in a life packed with too much school, a lot of church and (if I'm lucky) two jobs. There is no end in sight until Christmas, and I don't know if my body and emotions can take it.
Everything I committed myself to suddenly feels like a burden rather than the joy it started out as. I want that back, but right now every part of me is just...exhausted. I need a vacation, and I don't think that is ever going to happen.
Tomorrow is a day as busy as all the rest, and I'm already dreading trying to just make it though. Thankfully God is strong for me when I am weak, because right now I need him just to get out of bed in the morning.
God, I'm going to need You through this because I cannot make it on my own.
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