The Sickness is Catching, is Spreading, is Spreading...

Oh my devious. The semester is over. Last night was the banquet, today is the ceremony, and then most people are gone. And chances are half of them won't bother to say good-bye and will just disappear. Standing in the middle of the crowded gymnasium last night, I knew that half the people I was looking at I may never see again in my entire life.
Steph told me she's leaving tonight. Thailand people are leaving Wednesday. I feel homesick, and I can't explain why.
Right now, I'm taking down all the posters from the walls, starting to pack up my books and organize all my paperwork from this year. It's going to be a lot to go through. And the whole time, there is no feeling of liberation. Almost everyone else is going home to their families, their friends, or off with a group of people from school to tour Canada or to minister in a foreign country...and then there's me. I'm from here. I've still been in contact with all the people I'll ever be in contact with, yet I feel like I missed out on the best of both my worlds, school and "home", because I was always trying to find the balance. And now, with everyone leaving, I'm left here with the pieces of a school year that transformed my life, but may end up leaving me more broken than when I came.
I learned a lot from the people here, from the classes and the experiences. I wouldn't trade it away, but it's scary to know that in a few days I won't live here anymore. Once again, the sickness.
Friday was Surprise Date Day. Ryan took me to Stanley Park, and we went to the Aquarium! I tried to explain but I don't think he understood how much I've always wanted to go there, especially on a date, and he did it without even knowing. That means the WORLD to me. Then we hung out in Stanley Park and went for dinner at the Teahouse. It was so beautiful, and the perfect way to end the day. And in three days, he's gone. We'll have to fight the epic battle of the long-distance relationship, which few survive. Sickness.
There are people who are not getting back, and now that I realize how short time really is and that the year is actually ending, I wish I had got to know them better. There are people who I will miss in huge amounts, and I don't know if I can ever tell them what an impact they've made on my life. I am not the same because of who they are and what they've spoken into my life. But if I told them, that would be sappy and I'm sure they have none of the same feelings. That's okay, though, I has to be. Waves and waves of homesickness.
Today in church, the pastor used an analogy that is hauntingly reminiscent of my last blog. Waves, the unstoppable tide, how it's not about trying to control it but being in it and how we react to it. So this new change of tides can either be viewed as something new to jump into, or I can spend my time being frustrated that I'm getting wet all the time.
Bittersweet homesickness. How do I cure thee?
1 comment:
This brought large tears to my eyes. I can't help but think I'm just visiting home or going home to a funeral or something and I'll be back there soon to chat in the late hours and to transform your life with my ridiculously scarring tactics. However, my mind knows that I'm not returning, my heart just hasn't reacted yet. I feel shaky remembering how emotional this morning was and how I know my life was also very changed from this beautiful year. I feel just as you do. I'm frustrated at my own desire to be involved at a home 1400km's away and also to be involved with a real and dynamic and amazing group of people. I really sucked at balancing it but I learned...A LOT and I don't regret coming and going as much as I thought I would but I am truly glad that this year taught me everything that it did. Anyways I should just write my own blog lol. I love you soooo much my Leanne. Please don't forget to put on some clothes for me when I visit. I love you!
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