That Name I'm Not Allowed to Call You

It's been nearly three and a half years, and I'm finally in that place of trusting again. I'm giving my heart into the care of another, and hoping he won't smash it into oblivion.
I don't know how to explain this overwhelming peace I have every time green meets hazel. My world comes into focus and I can breathe. I don't feel like there are ridiculous expectations on me, or as if I need to pretend I'm someone else to make him adore me.
I didn't even see this coming! I did not come to Bridal College to get my MRS Degree. I came here to seek God and continue to carry out His purposes in my life. I did not come here to meet someone. But I did.
I don't know what tomorrow holds, or next week, or next year. But what I do know is that for now, there is someone cradling my heart and I can trust him. When I get past my own insecurities and baggage, I might even believe him when he tells me, crazily, that he cares about me too.
1 comment:
just make sure you plan on future
living now is nice and all, but not expecting anything else is quite hazardous
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