
Ah...a new year. And what a year it has been so far. All new, everything new.
A new place to rest my head, also known as the top bunk. I've nearly fallen off twice (definitely would've squished Steph's head), and the first few nights I was waking up every few minutes to make sure I wasn't too close to the edge. But thankfully I've adjusted now and shouldn't pull an Emily.
A new coffee pot that sits in the middle of our floor and gets left on every day until I come back from lunch to the smell of burned coffee.
A new man on campus. He's Stephanie's, which also means a new schedule. She's not around as much anymore, but it's really okay. As much as I bug her about him, they're actually incredibly sweet together...just don't tell her that. I need to give her a little bit of a hard time or it will seem like everything happened too easily and they might not make it, which would be devastating. As I currently have no love life whatsoever, I sort of live vicariously through a sort of removed way. Needless to say, they are the love story of the century and I really hope they make it.
A new car. Yes, Leanne is FINALLY, after nearly 3.53 months of waiting, the owner of a brand new '91 Camry. His name is Cameron, he's light blue, and the picture at the top of this blog is his second cousin twice removed (I haven't taken any pictures with him yet). We're still working out the clutch (it's a lot different from Trevor's), and I think his heart hurts a little that I've already had two previous vehicles. But we'll work through the baggage and I'll definitely be updating my blog about our many adventures.
Many new classes. I probably overwhelmed myself with too many, but I love it. As much as I complain, there is nothing I love more than having too much to do. My time completely filled and accounted for is the best! Especially when I have to schedule in alone time and God time. It makes it feel that much more special in both cases.
So as I begin this new year, I'm thankful for a lot of things, as follows:
1. I'm single. Hallelujah! I realize that this majorly clashes with many of my previous blogs, but to be quite honest I am just not in a place right now where a relationship would be a good thing. And hey, who knows, God might just dump him at my doorstep tomorrow and make me be ready, but for now I'm content with exactly who and where I am...with Him.
2. My clothes hamper. Before, I kept all my dirty clothes in the top drawer of my dresser, and then allowed them to spill just about everywhere else. But for Christmas my Auntie Tammy got me the most massive clothes hamper of life! It's three feet tall, has a shoulder strap and wheels, and can hold more than 30 pounds of clothes (I'd know). It keep the room so much tidier and I love it.
3. Cameron. Once again. Because he gets me places and I can now go into Vancouver all the time, which I've missed dreadfully. I miss all those kids so much, and I miss the person I am when I'm out there.
I know there's so much more I'm thankful for, but right now it just feels so good to be able to bask in the goodness of being back at school and being loved on by so many people and by the greatest guy I know...Jesus. Who needs anyone else when I have Him?
not to be a negative nancy, but if God dumped a man on your doorstep..he would be breaking the dorm rules XD
I'm happy for you and Cameron, stick is the ONLY way to drive!!!!
I'm pretty proud that you drive stick. That's're my coolest roommate.
p.s. we don't have a doorstep Greg just a door with a hallway outside. He'd obviously be dropped at her parents house. It's like mail that hasn't been forwarded to the new address yet.
p.p.s. Leanne. I'm glad you like the new coffee pot and the new guy and the new bed!
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