I'm Sorry, Leanne, but You've been Killed by the Mafia. Accusations? No? Townspeople Go to Sleep

I have never spent so much time not sleeping when my body is clearly collapsing from exhaustion. I have apparently sprained the joint that allows my ribs to expand so that I can breathe. The result? A 3am hospital visit, lots of lost sleep, and unimaginable pain.
I'm not complaining or seeking pity, I'm just venting. I feel like I am completely out of control. It's just one thing after another that only seem to set me back. I have no motivation; even if I did I don't think I would physically be able to do anything anyway. You'd be surprised how much not being able to breathe affects things.
I've spent the majority of the last three days on some couch or another, on one painkiller or another. I desperately need to be delivered from this. My schoolwork is suffering, my body is hurting because eating only makes it worse, and this is adding more stress to areas I'm already struggling with.
God, I don't know where to go from here. I want to live every day to its fullest potential and really serve You, but I feel incapable and useless. Please help me to realize that you ask for my love above all else, not works to earn Yours. I really need Your comfort right now.
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