Dear Boys, I Have an Announcement...

The original draft for this blog was nothing more than a bitter diatribe that did little to get across my real feelings. It was definitely not something I'd be proud to have my name attached to, thus the re-write.
So in the last several days I have been informed by several people from several points of view of the same thing: it is impossible for me to have guys that are just friends. Apparently the fact that I caught the somewhat-pretty gene means that I am doomed to a life of either only female friends or guys who I think are my friends but actually just want more.
I'm trying to see it from their POV, but I'm having trouble coming to terms with the idea that EVERY guy I talk to only does so because he's thinking that someday it might be something more. I try to give most guys a little more credit than that.
Once again, the world is in my face telling me that it's only beauty that matters. If I weren't pretty, no guy would even bother trying to get to know me.
So, a basic summary of what I'm hearing:
- my personality, sense of humour or conversational skills don't count toward my friendability when it comes to the opposite sex.
- what comes out of my lips is useless; only having them perfectly glossed will grab a boy's attention.
- even if I think we're only friends and we have discussed it and agree that is where we stand, chances are pretty good that he still only wants to get in my pants.
Thank you, World, for defining my worth. Once again, you have made it so clear.
I have also been told that since I've found one guy who 100% is not interested in me and vice versa, I should cut my losses now and accept that I will probably never find another one. Hooray.
Well, I'm going to look on the bright side (and hopefully turn around this otherwise-gloomy blog), and try to see the good in this whole "experience". Obviously these people have a valid point: I can't be naive. However, I need to trust my own instincts and not walk around acting like I believe I am God's gift to men (which I assure you, I am NOT). So I will take this all with a grain of salt and go on pretty much the way I have been: being myself and not stressing the small stuff.
1 comment:
to make a long story short
I am successfully single enough that I have been accused of being gay.....
and no...I'm not.....
Though there may be a stereotype of how things go for you, I promise you as a single male that I am not your friend so that someday I may make you into a trophy wife for me or any of my buddies
all i ask in return of our friendship is that I can be creepy as long as I want to, and that I may make fun of you from time to time, and that you not make fun of my love for drinking things out of tiny glasses....... I know you're thinking of something to say to make fun of it right now... don't... I love small cups... it's true.... what wrong with 14 glasses of milk that equal one real glass? hmmmm?
oh, and I was going to say something that would have been blunt and you would have laughed, but other people would have slapped me for saying just know..... ^_^ I thought of something funny and bad to say
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