I think I have finally given up on school. Tomorrow morning I will have reached the three late assignments mark. All-time record. And I don't care.
I have given up on blogging regularly. I start, write a few words, and have nothing else.
I don't know where the switch is located inside of me that snaps me from fine-and-away-from-the-edge back to this-is-not-a-good-place-to-stand. If I knew, I could tape it in one direction and keep it that way. No such luck.
And I realized on Saturday night that I don't know why I don't write anymore. Not blogs. I just...don't write anymore. All I have ever done is write, and I have stopped. Key in all of this? Probably.
And I have stopped with the happy things. This is not happy....
I need a long, looong vacation.
This is funny reading this because I reached the exact same point in my life a few weeks ago. Don't know what the answer is, but I do know that you're not in it alone. *sigh*
This will seem super cheesy, but I wrote this blog post here when I was feeling really down: http://permissiontosmile.blogspot.com/2011/02/something-in-air.html
It's a whole compilation of happy things :)
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